When fertilizing, what are tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers afraid of?

When fertilizing, what are tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers afraid of?

I believe that many people will grow some vegetables such as beans, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and other vegetables on their lawns, which are not only convenient but also feel at ease for the crops. However, there are many growers who apply fertilizer indiscriminately during planting. Often, the seedlings are slow after transplanting, and they do not grow for a long time. The leaves are dry and the growth is not good at all. Or the branches and leaves grow black and shiny, but the crops do not bear fruit or have few fruits. All of these situations are related to fertilization, so when fertilizing, you should pay attention to the following points when planting beans, tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers:


1. Do not use raw fertilizers

Many people know that the best fertilizer for planting vegetables is organic fertilizer, but organic fertilizer is divided into raw fertilizer and cooked fertilizer. Unfermented fertilizer is raw fertilizer, and fermented fertilizer is cooked fertilizer. Just like people, drinking raw water will cause diarrhea, and fertilizing vegetables will also cause problems, especially vegetables such as beans, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, etc., whose roots are prone to aging and rot. Fermented and decomposed fertilizer will damage the root system, unable or slow down the delivery of nutrients to the branches and leaves, resulting in weak plant growth, black leaves but not long, serious root diseases and insect pests, and even dead trees. Therefore, whether you use basal fertilizer or top-dressing fertilizer, the fertilizer used must be fermented in advance.

2. fertilization should be balanced

Beans, tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers all belong to fruit crops, and their requirements for nutrients are different in each growth period. More nitrogen fertilizer is required in the seedling stage, and a balance of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium is required in the flowering and fruiting stages, especially nitrogen fertilizers, such as Human feces, urine, urea, etc., if used in excess or used alone, it will easily lead to dense branches and leaves, but no flowering, no fruit, flowers, and fruits falling, etc. In addition, the nutrient imbalance will also increase the frequency of pests and diseases. Therefore, when fertilizing, it is necessary to use nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in a balanced manner. Organic fertilizers can be used in combination of two or more. Chemical fertilizers should be used in combination with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.


3. Don’t do it all at once

For convenience and to reduce their workload, some growers use base fertilizer at one time when planting, and they don't care about it again in the future, neither topdressing nor foliar fertilization. In this way, when the fruit is waiting, since the branches and leaves, flowering and fruit are all growing and developing at the same time, the nutrients required for the growth and development are very large. If the fertilizer is not supplemented in time, as the demand for nutrients increases, it is easy to de-fertilize. Once de-fertilized, The leaves will turn yellow, the plant will senesce prematurely, and the fruit will be stunted. Because the growth period of fruits and vegetables is very long, the base fertilizer alone is not enough. In the fruiting period, a combination of root topdressing and foliar spraying must be carried out to meet the needs of their growth, flowering, and fruit set.

4. The need for trace elements

Beans, tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers not only need nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium elements but also trace elements, especially during flowering and fruiting, trace elements are indispensable. Most trace elements can be absorbed and utilized from the soil, but boron is deficient. There are buds that do not bloom, flowers that do not bear fruit, flower drop, fruit drop, cracked fruit, deformed fruit, etc., most of which are caused by Boron deficiency. Therefore, supplementing boron elements on the micro-leaf surface before flowering to the fruiting period can play a good role in flowering and fruit set, protect flowers and fruits, and greatly increase yield. The commonly used boron fertilizer is ETDA-B, which can also be used with potassium dihydrogen phosphate, and the effect is even better.

When planting beans, tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers, the above points need to be paid more attention to. Correct fertilization is really important for crops. If you have any other suggestions or questions about fertilization, please leave us a message~

Post time: May-13-2022